Filed Under:
creative writing,
Monday, 26 January 2015

Every nation has
some great personalities. These great persons are respected loved and always
remembered by the nation. They earn this honor by virtue of their great deeds
and services to their nation. Such persons are called National Hero/Great
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is my favorite National hero/Great Leader. He is the founder of our beloved homeland. In appreciation of his services t the Muslims of South Asia, we call him Quid-e-Azam, which means the ‘Great Leader’. He was born at Karachi on 25th December 1876. He completed his early education in Karachi and then he was sent to England for higher studies. He took Barrister’s Degree from England and return to India. He started his career AS A LAWYER FIRST Karachi, and then in Bombay. He also started taking part in the national politics. He had first joined the all India National Congress and worked for the unity of the Muslims and the Hindus. But he found out very soon that the Hindu leaders were not in favor of giving equal rights to the Muslims. They wanted to establish Hindu-Raj In India. So, the Quid-e-Azam lift the congress and joined the Muslim League. He loved the helpless Muslims in India under the British and the Hindu domination. He wanted to liberate Muslims. He therefore, began to encourage, organize and unite them under the banner of Muslim League. The Muslim League started the untiring struggle for the freedom under the wise leadership of the Quid-e-Azam. By virtue of the wisdom, will power, courage and long struggle of the Quid-e-Azam, we got Pakistan on 14th August 1947. The entire nation is grateful to his beloved national hero Quid-e-Azam. Though he is no longer with us, he has left for our guidance his three watchwords of “Faith, Unity and Discipline”.
Moreover, his speeches are there
to guide us. In his speeches he advised us that Pakistan can only prosper and
grow stronger if the people serve it with honest and selfless devotion. He told
his people that what they needed most was a good education. If we follow the
directions given in his speeches, our beloved country would become,
Insha-Allah, not only great and strong but a fortress of Islam.
The Man Who Wins
Filed Under:
The Man Who Wins

In this poem poet conveys
the message that every thing depends upon will, determination and
selfconfidence of a person. He says that if you think – that you are
defeated and have no courage it is sure that you will not get success. If
you like to win but you think you do not it is certain that you will lose.
Yoursuccess of failure depends up on your state of mind. If you start a
work with doubt in your mind you will not succeed. But if you begin your work
with fullconfidence you will surely win. You must be sure before starting
any task. It is the man who has strong will determination and
full confidence always becomes winner in the battle of life.
Question and Answers
Q.1 What according to
the poet qualities needed by a person to get success in life?
Ans. The poet has given a good description of the gems of a perfect personality. Power to overcome any kind of complexes, widening of thoughts and complete faith and self-confidence are the basic pillars of success. By these qualities men can struggle with the resistance of life.
Ans. The poet has given a good description of the gems of a perfect personality. Power to overcome any kind of complexes, widening of thoughts and complete faith and self-confidence are the basic pillars of success. By these qualities men can struggle with the resistance of life.
Q.2 What are the
results according to the poet brought by high thoughts?
Ans. The poet has explained the advantages of high thoughts in a very convincing way that widening of thoughts provides spiritual power to us. Strength of mind and integrity of thoughts are the real rewards of high thoughts. If a person thinks high he can win over the battle of life.
Ans. The poet has explained the advantages of high thoughts in a very convincing way that widening of thoughts provides spiritual power to us. Strength of mind and integrity of thoughts are the real rewards of high thoughts. If a person thinks high he can win over the battle of life.
Q.3Do you agree with the message of the poem
“The Man who Wins”? Why?
Ans. Yes, I agree with the message of the poem “The Man Who Wins”. It discloses the secret of success in life by telling the importance of good, thoughts and will power. Power to overcome any kind of complexes, widening of thoughts and complete faith and self-confidence are the gems of perfect personality. By thinking high a man can win over the battle of life.
Ans. Yes, I agree with the message of the poem “The Man Who Wins”. It discloses the secret of success in life by telling the importance of good, thoughts and will power. Power to overcome any kind of complexes, widening of thoughts and complete faith and self-confidence are the gems of perfect personality. By thinking high a man can win over the battle of life.
The Customs of Various Regions of Pakistan
Filed Under:
The Customs of Various Regions of Pakistan

Pakistan is a
charming country. It is full of sceneries of various kinds. It has
different regions of climates also. These geographical and climatic variations
are reflected in the customs of various regions of Pakistan.
Pathans of frontier region
are brave and sturdy. They are strong and war like. They have fought against
invader from thousands of years. They are proud of their fire arms. As power of
a tribe depends on number of men so Pathans feel happy over the birth of son.
They protect the refugee at the cost their lives. They show hospitality to
their guests. Their favourite food is meat.
Punjab has been called
heart of Pakistan by Quaid-e-Azam. It has
been seat of learning from thousands of year. Punjabis
are religious by nature. Their fairs are usually connected with the
Urs of saints. In village live farmers, they work from mornto’ night.
In the evening they sit in the chopal make chit chat sing songs and talk about
the day to day problems. Their marriagesare colourful, whole village takes
part in it.
Baluchis lead very hard and
simple life due to the extreme weather. They sit and sleep on floor. Water
is hard to get. Baluchi marriages are also colourful. They sing and
dance on lively beat of drums. Bride groom arranges food for all guests. Food
is brought with barat. Women of Balochistan wear most of jewelleryall the
Civilization of Sindh is one
of the oldest civilizations in the world. The Sindhi people are
also religious by nature. Most of their festivals are religious.
People from all over Pakistan come to celebrate the Urs of Shahbaz
Qalander and Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai. Folk songs are sung on Ektara at the eve
of Urs. Alghoza is also a popular musical instrument of the area.
Sindhiembroidery is famous all over the world. Mirror work is
also common in Sindh.
Question and Answers
Q.1 What sort of
people are the Pathans?
Ans. Pathans are sturdy and brave. Through the ages they have fought the invaders coming from the North. They are famous for their hospitality and men power is taken as their pride in the community.
Ans. Pathans are sturdy and brave. Through the ages they have fought the invaders coming from the North. They are famous for their hospitality and men power is taken as their pride in the community.
Q.2Wwhat kind of food
do they like?
Ans. Roast Mutton and spicy chappli kabab are the food which is
liked by them.
Q.3 How does a tribesman
announce the birth of a son?
Ans. A tribesman fires with the rifle to announce the birth of a son.
Ans. A tribesman fires with the rifle to announce the birth of a son.
Q.4 Why does a
tribesman announce the birth of a son?
Ans. A tribesman announces the birth of a son because the birth
of son is regarded a blessing for them. Men power is taken as their pride in the
Q.5 Why is the Punjab
called the seat of learning?
Ans. The Punjab is called the seat of learning because centuries ago, many educational, institutions flourished in this region and their import is still continue in the form of schools, colleges and universities. Taxila University, flourished two thousand and five hundred years ago gives a healthy proof that Punjab has always been a seat of learning.
Ans. The Punjab is called the seat of learning because centuries ago, many educational, institutions flourished in this region and their import is still continue in the form of schools, colleges and universities. Taxila University, flourished two thousand and five hundred years ago gives a healthy proof that Punjab has always been a seat of learning.
Q.6 Which is the
university that existed in Pakistan about two thousand and five hundred years
Ans. The university of Texila flourished nearly two thousand and
five hundred years ago.
Q.7 Where do the
Punjabi farmers sit in the evening?
Ans. The Punjabi farmers sit in Chopals in the evening. They discuss about the weather and crops and also solve their disputes. They also enjoy songs and dances i.e. chopals gathering provides them recreation.
Ans. The Punjabi farmers sit in Chopals in the evening. They discuss about the weather and crops and also solve their disputes. They also enjoy songs and dances i.e. chopals gathering provides them recreation.
Q.8 What is the result
of extreme weather on the lives of Balochis?
Ans. The extreme weather creates a lot of problems for the Balochis. That’s why they are no able to lead their lives in just one place. They move from place to place in order to escape from the calamities of season..
Ans. The extreme weather creates a lot of problems for the Balochis. That’s why they are no able to lead their lives in just one place. They move from place to place in order to escape from the calamities of season..
Q.9 In Balochi wedding
who feasts the guests of both the bride and the groom?
Ans. A Balochi wedding ceremonies are perform a amidst and laughter with men and women dancing to the lively beats of the drums. The groom feast his own the bride’s guest. The food is brought along with Baraat .
Ans. A Balochi wedding ceremonies are perform a amidst and laughter with men and women dancing to the lively beats of the drums. The groom feast his own the bride’s guest. The food is brought along with Baraat .
Q.10 How old is the
civilization of valley of Mehran?
Ans. The Valley of Mehran is one of the ancient civilization of the world which had life in 2500 B.C. It’s ancient city Moen-jo-Daro’s ruins speak of the highly developed society that existed there about 5000 years ago.
Ans. The Valley of Mehran is one of the ancient civilization of the world which had life in 2500 B.C. It’s ancient city Moen-jo-Daro’s ruins speak of the highly developed society that existed there about 5000 years ago.
Q.11 Who are the
famous saints of Sindh?
Ans. Lal Shahbaz Qalander and Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai are the famous saints of Sindh.
Ans. Lal Shahbaz Qalander and Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai are the famous saints of Sindh.
Q.12 What are the
famous crafts of Sindh?
Ans. Most of the crafts of Sindh emerged from the embroidery which is praised all over the country as well as in foreign countries. These handicrafts include dresses embroided with silk thread, beads and mirror. Mirror work is also done on purses and cushions.
Ans. Most of the crafts of Sindh emerged from the embroidery which is praised all over the country as well as in foreign countries. These handicrafts include dresses embroided with silk thread, beads and mirror. Mirror work is also done on purses and cushions.
Q.13 Why is the Punjab
called “Heart of Pakistan”?
Ans. Quaid-e-Azam declared Punjab as “Heart of Pakistan” because of its geographical and knowledge importance. It is a land of five rivers and seat of learning. The religious glimpse in the region is cleared from the fact that shrines of saints and holy men the living glory of Pakistan.
Ans. Quaid-e-Azam declared Punjab as “Heart of Pakistan” because of its geographical and knowledge importance. It is a land of five rivers and seat of learning. The religious glimpse in the region is cleared from the fact that shrines of saints and holy men the living glory of Pakistan.
Q.14 What is an Urs
and how it is celebrated?
Ans. Urs is the death or birth anniversary of mystic poets which is celebrated in a religious manner. People gather at the shrines and sing devotional songs. They attend the fairs connected with these urs.
Ans. Urs is the death or birth anniversary of mystic poets which is celebrated in a religious manner. People gather at the shrines and sing devotional songs. They attend the fairs connected with these urs.
There’s A Good Time Coming
Filed Under:
There’s A Good Time Coming

In this poem, the poet is
assuring the new generationof the better days which are awaiting them. He
says that the time for true happiness is coming when there will be peace on the
earth. There shall be no wars; the people shall hate the war. The period of
happiness is near at hand. The poet assures younger generationagain and
again that period of happiness is coming soon. He asks them to give their
help for bringing peace in the world.
Question and Answers
Q.1 Do you agree with
the poet that a good time is coming?
Ans. Yes, I agree with the poet that a good time is coming. He rightly said that if we worked together, we can bring the ideal future closer in which truthfulness, peace, Justice and merit will prevail all around the World. The poet tries to explain in his poem that even the lightest deeds done with sincerity will produce the result naturally.
Ans. Yes, I agree with the poet that a good time is coming. He rightly said that if we worked together, we can bring the ideal future closer in which truthfulness, peace, Justice and merit will prevail all around the World. The poet tries to explain in his poem that even the lightest deeds done with sincerity will produce the result naturally.
Q.2 What future does
the poet promise for us?
Ans. Charles Mackay being optimistic promises an ideal future for us where there will be complete peace in the World. Good thoughts will be the most strongest weapon to protect the privileges and intellectuals will be the fighter instead of sword. Moral values like merit, worth will hold the ground in that time and people will regard wars as disgusting because of unfairness.
Ans. Charles Mackay being optimistic promises an ideal future for us where there will be complete peace in the World. Good thoughts will be the most strongest weapon to protect the privileges and intellectuals will be the fighter instead of sword. Moral values like merit, worth will hold the ground in that time and people will regard wars as disgusting because of unfairness.
Making A Summary
Filed Under:
Making A Summary,

A summary means
to present original passage in precise from. A good summary
is one third of the original passage. It must contain actual
facts present in original passage.
Five skills are needed
to make a good summary. The first is generalising. By generalising we
mean that one general word or phrase be given for long list of words.
The second skill is to select main facts which are concerned with the subject
of the passage. Title must be given to the passage. It would be helpful
to select facts. Third skill of making a summary is to give one word substitute
for several words. Fourth one is to change the passage from direct
speech to indirect speech. Quotation must be given intact. Fifth is that we
should avoid to give personal opinion. After observing these skills we are
free to summarize thepassage.
Question and Answers
Q.1 What is the
significance of Precise-Writing?
Ans. The significance of Precise-writing is clear from the fact that in this fast moving world, one could not pace up with the advancement of the world, so the man of this century depends mostly upon precise. It is the easiest way to get information at length in shortest possible time by average reading.
Ans. The significance of Precise-writing is clear from the fact that in this fast moving world, one could not pace up with the advancement of the world, so the man of this century depends mostly upon precise. It is the easiest way to get information at length in shortest possible time by average reading.
Q.2 What five steps are involved in
Ans. To make a good summary five skills are essential. The first is generalizing. Generalizing means to put a general word for some words belonging to one group or kind. The second and very important skill is to select the main and important points of the original passage. The third skill is to compress several words into a word or phrase. We should change direct speech into indirect speech as we cannot summarize direct speech. Lastly, one should not use one’s personal opinion while making a summary.
Ans. To make a good summary five skills are essential. The first is generalizing. Generalizing means to put a general word for some words belonging to one group or kind. The second and very important skill is to select the main and important points of the original passage. The third skill is to compress several words into a word or phrase. We should change direct speech into indirect speech as we cannot summarize direct speech. Lastly, one should not use one’s personal opinion while making a summary.
The Uses of Adversity
Filed Under:
The Uses of Adversity

In this poem explains the
hard ships. He says that when the reed bears the hardship of
sharpening then it writes clearly and fluently. In the same way reduced wick of
lamp gives shining light. In this way he tries to make us under stand that
ups and downs of life and hard ships have their own uses. They
provide vast experience to man and make him bold and fearless. He learns to face
any future misfortune with courage and wisdom.
Question and Answers
Q.1 Write the message of this poem?
Ans. Adversity is the mother of our noblest virtues that teach us patience, perseverance fortitude. Self help and sympathy bring us nearest to Almighty creator. Adversity is a gift from God. Seems ugly and dark but actually messengers of sweetness and light.
Ans. Adversity is the mother of our noblest virtues that teach us patience, perseverance fortitude. Self help and sympathy bring us nearest to Almighty creator. Adversity is a gift from God. Seems ugly and dark but actually messengers of sweetness and light.
“The virtue of
Adversity is fortitude, which is mortal in the more heroic virtue.”
(Francis Bacon)
How To Do Things
Filed Under:
How To Do Things,

(A) Arranging a party:
It was
Shahnaz’s birthday. She was very excited because she wanted to celebrate
it in a befitting manner. Qaisera her best friend offered her services to
make the party successful. They discussed about the menu and decided
to serve Kababs, Samosas, Sandwiches, Fruitchat, Sweet Meat and Cake along with
They decorated the drawing
room so that it presented a beautiful look. Then they went
to kitchen where they made Fruitchat and Kababs and sandwiches. In
the evening the father brought birthday cake that bore the name
of Shahnaz with a wish for happy birthday.
They also made arrangement
for the amusement of guests. Accordingly the planned indoor games such as “The
parcel game”, “Treasure hunt” and music chairs.
The guests arrived. They were
wearing gaudy dresses.Shahnaz cut the birthdays cake. All the guests
offered her gifts and wishes when tea was over the interesting games started.
All of them took part in the games and enjoyed the fun and laughter. Party came
to an end in the evening. Shahnaz was very happy because it was a
very good party and every body enjoyed it.
(B) Mending a Puncture:
Riding a bicycle is
a joy when one is young. But suddenly that joy vanishes when cycle gets
punctured. This emergency should not worry the rider if he is prepared for
it. Bicycle is layed on the ground. Kit of mending puncture is taken
out. The kit contains oldbicycle tube, small scissors pair, a
wrench, sand paper, a colour pencil and sticking solution. Some water
in a shallow pot be filled and tyre is taken out of rim. After inflating tube
it may be dipped in water. When punctured part would come under water
smallbubbles would appear in this way whole tube must be tested. Punctured
space must be marked with colour pencil. After deflating tube be dried. The
punctured spot are made rough with sand paper. Then a piece of old tube be
taken and made rough with sand paper. After it
sticking solution be applied on tube as well as piece of rubber. The
piece of rubber be put on punctured part of tube. In this way puncture is
Mending puncture at cycle
shop is different. A kind of half solid rubber solution is applied on
the punctured part of the tube. It is heated at certain temperature for some
time in a press like machine. The solution melts and sticks on the
tube so that both are inseparable. This method is common nowadays.
Question and Answers
Q.1 Why was the party
Ans. The party was arranged in the honour of Shahnaz because it
was her birthday.
Q.2 What was the menu
of the party?
Ans. The menu of the party includes Kababs, samosas, sandwiches,
fruit-chat, sweetmeat and cake along with tea.
Q.3 What was written
on the cake?
Ans. The name of Shahnaz with a wish of happy birthday was
written on the cake.
Q.4 What games were
arranged for the guests?
Ans. The games which were arranged for the guests include “Passing the Parcel”, “Treasure Hunt” and “Musical Chair”. These games provided fun and laughter to the guests.
Ans. The games which were arranged for the guests include “Passing the Parcel”, “Treasure Hunt” and “Musical Chair”. These games provided fun and laughter to the guests.
Q.5 Why was Shahnaz
happy at the end of the party?
Ans. Shahnaz was happy at the end of the party because it was a
good party and everybody had enjoyed it.
Q.6 When is a
bicycle-rider a joy? When does this joy vanish?
Ans. Riding a bicycle is a joy when one is young. This joy suddenly vanishes when the cycle gets punctured. You feel while the riding that the tyre has lost its lightness and is pressing flat against the ground.
Ans. Riding a bicycle is a joy when one is young. This joy suddenly vanishes when the cycle gets punctured. You feel while the riding that the tyre has lost its lightness and is pressing flat against the ground.
Q.7 What does the kit
for mending the puncture contain?
Ans. The kit for mending the puncture contains a wrench, a pair of small scissors, a piece of an old cycle tube, sand paper, a coloured pencil and the sticking solution.
Ans. The kit for mending the puncture contains a wrench, a pair of small scissors, a piece of an old cycle tube, sand paper, a coloured pencil and the sticking solution.
Q.8 How is the
“Parcel” prepared for the “Parcel Game”?
Ans. The parcel game is to be very interesting and exciting. A piece of Toffee is put in a small carton which was wrapped with many layers of coloured papers.
Ans. The parcel game is to be very interesting and exciting. A piece of Toffee is put in a small carton which was wrapped with many layers of coloured papers.
Q.9 How is the game
“Treasure Hunt” played?
Ans. Treasure hunt is an interesting game. In treasure hunt small things wrapped in paper are to be hidden at different places in the room. The guest are to look for every where till all the treasures are found.
Ans. Treasure hunt is an interesting game. In treasure hunt small things wrapped in paper are to be hidden at different places in the room. The guest are to look for every where till all the treasures are found.
Q.10 Describe the
process of mending a puncture?
Ans. In order to make a puncture, first of all we take out tube from the wheel and inflate it. Then we dip it in water and find out the puncture, mark it with the coloured pencil and dry it and rub it with sand paper and then apply sticking solution and press it. The tube is then put into tyre and pumped. The puncture has been mended.
Ans. In order to make a puncture, first of all we take out tube from the wheel and inflate it. Then we dip it in water and find out the puncture, mark it with the coloured pencil and dry it and rub it with sand paper and then apply sticking solution and press it. The tube is then put into tyre and pumped. The puncture has been mended.
Q.11 Describe the
process of mending a puncture in a repair shop?
Ans. The purpose of mending a puncture at a bicycle repair shop is different one. A kind of half solid rubber solution is applied to the puncture part of the tube. It is heated at a certain temperature for some time in a machine which is a sort of press. The solution melts and sticks to the tube so that both are inseparable.
Ans. The purpose of mending a puncture at a bicycle repair shop is different one. A kind of half solid rubber solution is applied to the puncture part of the tube. It is heated at a certain temperature for some time in a machine which is a sort of press. The solution melts and sticks to the tube so that both are inseparable.
The Minstrel Boy
Filed Under:
The Minstrel Boy

The poet praises the role of
a Musician boy who was patriot in the true sense. Ministeral boy was an Irish
patriot; he was fighting for the freedom
of Irelandagainst England. The boy had two things with him
his father’s sword and a wild harp. No doubt he was anartist but for the
freedom of mother land he was in first rows of army. He says no matter the
world betraysIreland but at least one sword of Ministeral boy is there to
defend it and his harp to praise it. The boywas wounded during
the course of war and fell down. Before his death he tore apart
the strings of his harp, so that it may not be touched and played by
the impure hands of enemy. As its music was only for free people so it might
not sin in slavery. This shows his love for liberty of soul and art.
Question and Answers
Q.1 Why did he destroy
his harp?
Ans. The minstrel boy destroyed his harp because he wanted the enemy to realize that every single child of his nation would not allow them to touch their homeland with impure hands. Moreover, his harp was meant to play in peace and if the harp had survived it would have chained into the atmosphere of slavery. The extreme limit of patriotism is exhibited by the action of minstrel boy.
Ans. The minstrel boy destroyed his harp because he wanted the enemy to realize that every single child of his nation would not allow them to touch their homeland with impure hands. Moreover, his harp was meant to play in peace and if the harp had survived it would have chained into the atmosphere of slavery. The extreme limit of patriotism is exhibited by the action of minstrel boy.
Q.2 For whom the poet
was the words warrior bard and proud soul?
Ans. Thomas Moore has paid a homage to the minstrel boy by alloting him the bites of “warrior bard” and the “proud soul”. Thomas Moore has used these words to exhibit the spirit of chivalrism in the minstrel boy. He was a great and brave fighter and was proud of fighting for his homeland.
Ans. Thomas Moore has paid a homage to the minstrel boy by alloting him the bites of “warrior bard” and the “proud soul”. Thomas Moore has used these words to exhibit the spirit of chivalrism in the minstrel boy. He was a great and brave fighter and was proud of fighting for his homeland.
The Khyber Pass
Filed Under:
The Khyber Pass

Khyber Pass is a famous
historical pass. It is fifty kilometres long narrow mountain valley.
It is the only route which
connects Pakistan to Afghanistan and
other countries beyond it. Many conquerors attackedSouth Asia by
crossing it. It has also been a famoustrade route. Previously camel
caravans passed and carried various articles from sub-continent
toAfghanistan and brought back some goods. Now Lorries, trucks and other
means of transport have taken place of camel caravans.
Bilal and his friends made a
trip to Khyber Pass in last summer. They started early in the morning
by bus. They stopped at Jamrod of obtaining permit. After covering about thirty
Kilometre they reached Landikotal the highest place along the pass. There they
made brief stop and ate Tikkas and Chapli Kababs. After it
they covered another twenty Kilometres distance down wards to Torkham
the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. They were welcomed
by the Soldiers guarding the frontiers. The road from Peshawar to
Landikotal is very fine but zigzag. There are very beautiful mountainous
sceneries also. They boys enjoyed the journey along the pass and found it very
Question and Answers
Q.1 What is the Khyber
Pass? How long it is ?
Ans. Khyber Pass is one of the most famous pass which is a narrow mountain valley. It is about fifty kilometres long.
Ans. Khyber Pass is one of the most famous pass which is a narrow mountain valley. It is about fifty kilometres long.
Q. 2Where do we go
through the Pass?
Ans. From Khyber Pass we can go to Afghanistan and on the other
side is the famous city of Peshawar.
Q.3 When did Aryans
cross it?
Ans. Aryans crossed nearly four thousand years ago the Khyber Pass to enter Pakistan.
Ans. Aryans crossed nearly four thousand years ago the Khyber Pass to enter Pakistan.
Q.4 how many times did
Mahmood Ghaznavi cross it and why?
Ans. Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi crossed the Khyber Pass seventeen times.
He crossed this passage in order to invade the sub-continent.
Q.5 What is the economical
importance of Khyber Pass? Or Why it had been a famous trade in history?
Ans. The economical importance of Khyber Pass is that it is used a trading route between the different regions. It is the most favourable and best connection of East Asian countries with Central Asian countries for trading purposes. The important goods which are transferred through this pass into different regions include mirrors, furs, skins and fruits.
Ans. The economical importance of Khyber Pass is that it is used a trading route between the different regions. It is the most favourable and best connection of East Asian countries with Central Asian countries for trading purposes. The important goods which are transferred through this pass into different regions include mirrors, furs, skins and fruits.
Q.6 What did the camel
caravans carry?
Ans. The camel caravans carried mirrors, furs, skins, fruits, spices, silk, carpet etc to different parts of the region.
Ans. The camel caravans carried mirrors, furs, skins, fruits, spices, silk, carpet etc to different parts of the region.
Q.7 By what have the
camels caravans been replaced?
Ans. The camels caravans have now been replaced by trains,
trucks and lorries which are the most advanced and fastest means of
Q.8 Who lives in the
mountains of the Khyber Pass?
Ans. The brave tribal people and Pathans live in the mountains of the Khyber Pass, who fought with the mighty British Empire for hundred years and defended their freedom.
Ans. The brave tribal people and Pathans live in the mountains of the Khyber Pass, who fought with the mighty British Empire for hundred years and defended their freedom.
Q.9 Why Landi Kotal is
the famous place along the Pass?
Ans. Landi Kotal is the famous place along the Pass because it is the highest place about thirty km away from Jamrod Check post along the pass. It is also a market place where most of the people enjoy eating Tikkas and Chapli Kabab. Landi Kotal is a beautiful spot from where the road goes down winding through beautiful scenery.
Ans. Landi Kotal is the famous place along the Pass because it is the highest place about thirty km away from Jamrod Check post along the pass. It is also a market place where most of the people enjoy eating Tikkas and Chapli Kabab. Landi Kotal is a beautiful spot from where the road goes down winding through beautiful scenery.
Q.10 What is the
historical importance of Khyber Pass?
Ans. The historical importance of Khyber Pass cannot be neglected because many Muslim conquerors like Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi, Shahabuddin Ghouri, Babur and Ahmed Shah Abdli made their way through this Pass. Mostly this pass had been used in the history for attacking and conquering South Asia.
Ans. The historical importance of Khyber Pass cannot be neglected because many Muslim conquerors like Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi, Shahabuddin Ghouri, Babur and Ahmed Shah Abdli made their way through this Pass. Mostly this pass had been used in the history for attacking and conquering South Asia.
Filed Under:

Casabianca was a small
boy. He was the son of thecommander of the warship.
The commander took part in the battle of Nile. He took
his son with him: When the sea battle was going on, he ordered his
son to stand on the deck of the ship. The father was killed in action. The
ship caught fire, every one fled to save the life but Casabianca stood on the
deck. He was obedient and brave so, he could
not leave positionwithout the orders of commander. He was
surrounded by the flames but he did not move. He shouted and asked his father
if he might leave the position. But did not receive any reply.
He called again and again but there was no reply. At last the ship
was smashed to pieces. Many valuable things were destroyed. But the most
valuable thing among them was Casabianca. He lost his life in order to set an
example of courage and obedience. The death of Casabianca was Noblest but
saddest incident of battle of Nile.
Question and Answers
Q.1 Who was Casabianca?and
what were the characteristics of Casabianca?
Ans. Casabianca was a young and brave soldier of his country. He was a born hero and has a very strong, composed and pleasant personality. Dutifulness and obedience were his making characteristics and he was proud of fighting for his country.
Ans. Casabianca was a young and brave soldier of his country. He was a born hero and has a very strong, composed and pleasant personality. Dutifulness and obedience were his making characteristics and he was proud of fighting for his country.
Q.2 Why does the poetess call the Casabianca
“A Gallant Child”?
Ans. The poetess calls the Casabianca “a gallant child” because he stood like a rock, fairless of the fire, the enemy’s shelling and his despair in the moments of death and danger. When his body blown into bites i.e. he was defeated by the death, but actually his spirit was not overpowered and he remained as a brave and valiant soldier.
Ans. The poetess calls the Casabianca “a gallant child” because he stood like a rock, fairless of the fire, the enemy’s shelling and his despair in the moments of death and danger. When his body blown into bites i.e. he was defeated by the death, but actually his spirit was not overpowered and he remained as a brave and valiant soldier.
Filed Under:

Moazzam and Azam were
two brothers. Their father was a farmer. Their mother died when they were
very young. Their father also died leaving behind a cow, a
date palm tree and a blanket. Azam the elder brotherwas greedy
and clever while the Moazzam younger one was simple and trusting. Azam the
elder brothercheated Moazzam by dividing property in a strange
manner. He gave the front part of the cow to hisbrother and kept rear part
for him-self. Like wise he kept the top of the tree for him self and gave the
lower part to his brother Moazzam. Then he chose to keep the blanket
during the night hours and gave it to Moazzam during the day time.
Moazzam suffered very much at
the hands of hisbrother. His brother got all the milk and the
dates. His job was to feed the cow and water the tree. At last an old
man felt pity for him and gave some practical suggestions to him. Accordingly,
when Azam started milking the cow, he began to beat the front part of the cow.
The cow moved here and there and Azam could not milk it. Seeing changed
behaviour of youngerbrother Azam promised to give him half of the milk.
One day when Azam climbed the date-palm tree for picking dates,
Moazzam started cutting the trunk of the tree with an axe. When Azam asked for
reason he replied that he was only cutting his part of the tree. Azam sensing
the attitude of his brother also sharedthe dates with him. At
night when Azam came to sleep under blanket it was wet. Seeing so Azam
suggested that both would share the blanket during the night. This is
how Moazzam taught a lesson to his greedybrother.
Question and Answers
Q.1 What property did
the two brothers inherit from their father?
Ans. After the death of their father, their father inherited a cow, a date-palm, tree and a blanket equally.
Ans. After the death of their father, their father inherited a cow, a date-palm, tree and a blanket equally.
Q.2 What was the
suggestions of Azam about the division of property?
Ans. Azam, the elder brother suggested that the front part of cow, the upper part of the date-palm tree and the blanket from sunset till morning would belong to him. Where as Moazzam was alloted with the rear part of cow, the lower part of the tree and the blanket for the day time.
Ans. Azam, the elder brother suggested that the front part of cow, the upper part of the date-palm tree and the blanket from sunset till morning would belong to him. Where as Moazzam was alloted with the rear part of cow, the lower part of the tree and the blanket for the day time.
Q.3 Why did Moazzam
agree to the division?
Ans. Moazzam was innocent and simple boy and agreed to the division because Azam had cunningly presented the useless part of the property as the better ones. Furthermore he believed that whatever his brother will divide, it will beneficial for both of them.
Ans. Moazzam was innocent and simple boy and agreed to the division because Azam had cunningly presented the useless part of the property as the better ones. Furthermore he believed that whatever his brother will divide, it will beneficial for both of them.
Q.4 Who fed the cow
and who got the milk?
Ans. According to the agreement between Azam and Moazzam, Moazzam fed the cow while Azam got the milk as the rear part belongs to him.
Ans. According to the agreement between Azam and Moazzam, Moazzam fed the cow while Azam got the milk as the rear part belongs to him.
Q.5 Why did Azam not
give dates to Moazzam?
Ans. Azam did not give the dates to Moazzam because the upper part of the tree belongs to him.
Ans. Azam did not give the dates to Moazzam because the upper part of the tree belongs to him.
Q.6 How did Moazzam
teach the lesson to his elder brother?
Ans. After the advice of the old man, Moazzam wisely tackled his brother. When Azam was milking the cow he started hitting the cow’s head with a stick, when Azam was picking dates from the tree he started cutting the tree with an axe and when Azam took up blanket, he found it wet which was done by Moazzam. In this manner, Moazzam was able to teach the lesson to his brother.
Ans. After the advice of the old man, Moazzam wisely tackled his brother. When Azam was milking the cow he started hitting the cow’s head with a stick, when Azam was picking dates from the tree he started cutting the tree with an axe and when Azam took up blanket, he found it wet which was done by Moazzam. In this manner, Moazzam was able to teach the lesson to his brother.
Q.7 What is the moral
of the lesson “The Inheritors”?
Ans. The moral of the lesson is that falsehood have no ground bases to stand. We should be pragmatic in our dealings and we can answer cleverness by wisdom. We must obey our elder’s advice because their advice is as good as gold.
Ans. The moral of the lesson is that falsehood have no ground bases to stand. We should be pragmatic in our dealings and we can answer cleverness by wisdom. We must obey our elder’s advice because their advice is as good as gold.
Q.8 What was the effect of the old man’s
advice on Moazzam?
Ans. The old man’s advice revealed the fact on Moazzam that he was being cheated by the cleverness of his elder brother. The old man made him realized that Azam was taking benefit of the inheritance. Being obedient, Azam accepted the advice of old man and answered the cleverness of his brother with his wisdom.
Ans. The old man’s advice revealed the fact on Moazzam that he was being cheated by the cleverness of his elder brother. The old man made him realized that Azam was taking benefit of the inheritance. Being obedient, Azam accepted the advice of old man and answered the cleverness of his brother with his wisdom.
King Bruce and the Spider
Filed Under:
King Bruce and the Spider,

King Robert Bruce was the
King of Scotland. He was defeated by Edward I, the king of England.
Robert Bruce ran away from the battle field and took refuge in a cave. He was
very sorry over his defeat. He wanted to win freedom for his country. He
had fought for several times but was defeated. He thought over the matter and
decided to give up the struggle. Just at the moment a spider fell
down from the roof of the cave. King began to watch the movement of
thespider. The spider tried again and again but could not
succeed every time it fell down. This happened nine times. The king was sure
that spider would try it no more. It was its tenth attempt. This time
the spidersucceeded and reached its home. The King Bruce learnt a lesson
from the spider. He thought if a spidercould succeed why could not
he. He collected his army, defeated the England and got freedom for
Question and Answers
Q.1 What lesson did
the King learn from the spider?
Ans. The persistent tries of spider gave a positive spin to the thoughts of King Bruce and taught him that we are to be persistent and bold to achieve our aim of life. Continuous struggle to the main aim always produces a favourable result. We should try hard without caring for the resistance and circumstances of life.
Ans. The persistent tries of spider gave a positive spin to the thoughts of King Bruce and taught him that we are to be persistent and bold to achieve our aim of life. Continuous struggle to the main aim always produces a favourable result. We should try hard without caring for the resistance and circumstances of life.
Q.2. What do you know
about King Bruce of Scotland?
Ans. King Bruce of Scotland was a very generous and patriotic Emperor. Once he fought with the British Army who wants to make a British colony in Scotland, but he was defeated. As he wanted to defeat his enemy, that’s why he made several attempts to get back his domain but he failed.
Ans. King Bruce of Scotland was a very generous and patriotic Emperor. Once he fought with the British Army who wants to make a British colony in Scotland, but he was defeated. As he wanted to defeat his enemy, that’s why he made several attempts to get back his domain but he failed.
Q.3 What resemblance,
does the poetess find between the King Bruce and the Spider?
Ans. The points of similarity between the King Bruce and the spider were that the aim was quite far away from both of them. Both of them were having a very slightest hope to achieve success i.e. the spider had a single thread to reach the cobweb and the King Bruce also had a very tiny hope to win over his enemies.
Ans. The points of similarity between the King Bruce and the spider were that the aim was quite far away from both of them. Both of them were having a very slightest hope to achieve success i.e. the spider had a single thread to reach the cobweb and the King Bruce also had a very tiny hope to win over his enemies.
An African Village
Filed Under:
An African Village,

Nigeria is the
biggest country of West Africa. It is very thickly populated.
The people of Nigeria are farmers. They live in villages in Bush
Area. There are dozen to three dozen huts in a village. Those huts are
scattered in bush area, so there are no roads or streets. In past a farmer’s
hut had a single room. Now a days a farmers house may have two or more
rooms. The walls of these rooms are made of wood and are plastered with mud.
The roof of hut is still made of grass, reeds and palm leaves, some
houses are circular in shape while others may be square or rectangular. The
courtyard of the house is centre of their activities. Women work
and cook food while children play there. There is no furniture in
their houses. They sleep on mats. They use earthen pots and pans. Now they have
started use of utensils made of tin and aluminium. There is
no electricity, so they use logs for heating as well as lighting purpose.
They cultivate food as well
as cash crops food crops include plantains, potatoes, ground nuts and pepper.
The cash crops consist of oil – palm and cocoa.
There are no cattle
in Nigeria, because cattle die because of a wild fly. The result is that
they plough their fields with their own
hands. Walk long distances and carry loads on their heads.
However they keep a goat for milk and poultry for eggs.
With changing time things are
changing in Nigeria. As soon as their villages are connected with roads,
they will have cars and buses. They may then see radios,electricity, schools
and hospitals coming to their villages.
Question and Answers
Q.1 How many
independent countries are there in Africa? where is Nigeria?
Ans. Africa is the second largest continent which consists of more than twenty five independent countries. Nigeria is one of the largest countries of Africa. It is in West Africa.
Ans. Africa is the second largest continent which consists of more than twenty five independent countries. Nigeria is one of the largest countries of Africa. It is in West Africa.
Q.2 Where is Nigeria?
Ans. Nigeria is one of the largest countries of Africa. It is in
West Africa.
Q.3What sort of
country is it?
Ans. Nigeria is the largest country of West Africa and is the
most thickly populated of all the African countries.
Q.4 What is the bush
area made up of? and
Ans. The bush area is consisted of scattered trees with heavy undergrowth in the form of thick bushes and grass
Ans. The bush area is consisted of scattered trees with heavy undergrowth in the form of thick bushes and grass
Q.5 Where do most
Nigeria farmers live?
Ans. . Most of the Nigerian farmers live in the villages and
farm settlements in the bush area. They construct huts and live in those huts.
Q.6 What is the centre
of activities?
Ans. The courtyard of house is the centre of activities. Women cook food and work over there and children play there.
Ans. The courtyard of house is the centre of activities. Women cook food and work over there and children play there.
Q.7 What are the food
and cash crops of Nigeria?
Ans. The food crops of Nigeria are plantains, potatoes, yarns, ground nuts and pepper. The cash crop which is sold to other countries are called cash crops and the Nigeria’s cash crops include palm oil and cocoa.
Ans. The food crops of Nigeria are plantains, potatoes, yarns, ground nuts and pepper. The cash crop which is sold to other countries are called cash crops and the Nigeria’s cash crops include palm oil and cocoa.
Q.8 Who tends the food
crops and the cash crops?
Ans. Food crops are usually tended by the women. Whereas, the cash crops are tended by men.
Ans. Food crops are usually tended by the women. Whereas, the cash crops are tended by men.
Q.9 What is made from
cocoa beans and yield from palm trees?
Ans. From the fruit of cocoa tree, yield beans which are grounded into powder which forms chocolate. From the palm trees, palm oil is yield. When the oil from the trees is passed through the chemical processors, the palm oil is obtained in pure form.
Ans. From the fruit of cocoa tree, yield beans which are grounded into powder which forms chocolate. From the palm trees, palm oil is yield. When the oil from the trees is passed through the chemical processors, the palm oil is obtained in pure form.
Q.10 Why was continent
Africa called “Dark Continent” once?
Ans. Continent Africa was called “Dark Continent” once because the habitats and civilizations of the people of this continent were not known to the world. Due to their backward living styles and old fashioned traits, this continent seems to be the dull part of this world.
Ans. Continent Africa was called “Dark Continent” once because the habitats and civilizations of the people of this continent were not known to the world. Due to their backward living styles and old fashioned traits, this continent seems to be the dull part of this world.
Q.11 Why can Nigerian farmer not rear cattle?
Ans. Nigerian farmers can not rear cattle on account of a kind of fly whose sting kills the cattle and cause sleeping sickness among the human beings.
Ans. Nigerian farmers can not rear cattle on account of a kind of fly whose sting kills the cattle and cause sleeping sickness among the human beings.
The Hand That Rocks the Cradle is the Hand That Rules The World

In this poem poet pays homage
to the mothers. He prays to Almighty God and says that: he may bless
the mothers no matter where they are. He may save them from all evils. He
further says that child is not wise by birth but she teaches him lessons of
wisdom and high morale in her lap. Kids’ uneasy and impulsive nature is nursed
properly by loving mother. All the prominent personalities are due to
the training of mothers. Mother makes this world heaven on earth. She
wipes away all the worries and anxieties from man’s mind and
encourages him to face the problems of life with grace
and dignity. So in true sene mother is the person who is actual ruler of
the world.
Question and Answers
Q.1 Why does the poet
compare mother’s hands to a rainbow?
Ans. The poet finds resemblance between the mother’s hands and a rainbow because “rainbow” is symbol of peace, pleasure and happiness. It indicates that the storm has passed and difficulties have gone. Similarly a mother is a symbol of pity and pleasure who creates a peaceful and coming atmosphere for the whole family.
Ans. The poet finds resemblance between the mother’s hands and a rainbow because “rainbow” is symbol of peace, pleasure and happiness. It indicates that the storm has passed and difficulties have gone. Similarly a mother is a symbol of pity and pleasure who creates a peaceful and coming atmosphere for the whole family.
Q.2 What is guided by
angles and how?
Ans. The chastity and grace of mothers is guided by angles. No one can destroy the spirit of the true mothers because it is protected by the holy angles. They bring divine blessings to the mothers which help the mothers to struggle with the tedium of life.
Ans. The chastity and grace of mothers is guided by angles. No one can destroy the spirit of the true mothers because it is protected by the holy angles. They bring divine blessings to the mothers which help the mothers to struggle with the tedium of life.
Q.3 Explain how the
poet gives the credit for all great achievements of people to their mothers?
Ans. The poet gives the credit for all great accomplishment of people to their mothers because all the great personalities are prominent in the world due to the careful bringing up to their mothers. It’s only the result of mother’s caring guidance and training that the world is passing with the periods of humanitarian and great successes.
Ans. The poet gives the credit for all great accomplishment of people to their mothers because all the great personalities are prominent in the world due to the careful bringing up to their mothers. It’s only the result of mother’s caring guidance and training that the world is passing with the periods of humanitarian and great successes.
Q.4 Describe the role
of a mother?
Ans. The role of a mother is to bring up and train the children. Mother is an actual guiding force for the children because due to her training a child can instigate a high moral character. Mother also infest in the children the spirit to know the difference between good and evil. A child is virtuous or his bad character depends upon the guidance of mother.
Ans. The role of a mother is to bring up and train the children. Mother is an actual guiding force for the children because due to her training a child can instigate a high moral character. Mother also infest in the children the spirit to know the difference between good and evil. A child is virtuous or his bad character depends upon the guidance of mother.
Q.5 Why does the poet
compare infancy (childhood) with the tender fountain?
Ans. The poet compares infancy (childhood) with the tender fountain because childhood is just like a sophisticated and delicate fountain which can be led to any stage of life i.e. good or bad. It is only a mother who can guide a very young soil to his destination success it or failure.
Ans. The poet compares infancy (childhood) with the tender fountain because childhood is just like a sophisticated and delicate fountain which can be led to any stage of life i.e. good or bad. It is only a mother who can guide a very young soil to his destination success it or failure.
Q.6 How can the mother keep the young heart
open and for what?
Ans. Mother has a very divine task to complete which starts right from the beginning of the child’s life and continues till the end. She keeps the young heart open in such a way that the child can understand and accept the divine commands of Allah.
Ans. Mother has a very divine task to complete which starts right from the beginning of the child’s life and continues till the end. She keeps the young heart open in such a way that the child can understand and accept the divine commands of Allah.