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Making A Summary

A summary means to present original passage in precise from. A good summary is one third of the original passage. It must contain actual facts present in original passage.
Five skills are needed to make a good summary. The first is generalising. By generalising we mean that one general word or phrase be given for long list of words. The second skill is to select main facts which are concerned with the subject of the passage. Title must be given to the passage. It would be helpful to select facts. Third skill of making a summary is to give one word substitute for several words. Fourth one is to change the passage from direct speech to indirect speech. Quotation must be given intact. Fifth is that we should avoid to give personal opinion. After observing these skills we are free to summarize thepassage.
Question and Answers
Q.1 What is the significance of Precise-Writing?
Ans. The significance of Precise-writing is clear from the fact that in this fast moving world, one could not pace up with the advancement of the world, so the man of this century depends mostly upon precise. It is the easiest way to get information at length in shortest possible time by average reading.
Q.2 What five steps are involved in Precise-Writing?
Ans. To make a good summary five skills are essential. The first is generalizing. Generalizing means to put a general word for some words belonging to one group or kind. The second and very important skill is to select the main and important points of the original passage. The third skill is to compress several words into a word or phrase. We should change direct speech into indirect speech as we cannot summarize direct speech. Lastly, one should not use one’s personal opinion while making a summary.

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